Labrador puppy sitting on floor.

The Dance of Perfection, People Pleasing, and Control

“I am not a thing – a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process – an integral function of the universe.” - R. Buckminster Fuller I used to refer to myself as a “recovering perfectionist.” Seeing that phrase now makes…
Image of child dressed as a fairy jumping in air.

On Becoming Part II

I’m a Tinkerer. Coming to this has been hard earned. “Why?” you may ask. Because I wanted to be something else. I wanted to be a graceful dancer, a nature child, a traveler, an explorer. I wanted to be seen as good, helpful, captivating…

A Reflection on Becoming

...just when I think I’ve made it, when the ground seems stable & the horizon bright, I somersault again. Sometimes the somersaults are more discombobulating than at other times, bringing me  straight to the underbelly, to the depths…

Introducing Grace Berger

I once ran a marathon.  And a few half marathons since then.  If you know me, I am not “a runner.”  My freshman year college roommate asked me to join a “Marathon Training Class” with her.  I told her she was crazy as I readily agreed…

When are Freedom and Loss Friends?

Freedom requires loss in many ways. It requires a: Loss of constriction Loss of control Loss of self consciousness Letting go of fear Letting go of self limitation Suspending of doubt Freedom is fleeting. Freedom is exhilarating. Freedom…
Woman holding sign that says 'help'

Demystifying Vulnerability at Work

A critical component for creating cohesion on a high performing team is the ability to be vulnerable with each other. Many folks struggle with vulnerability thinking it means they need to be overly emotional at work, "touchy feely", or openly…

Shift the Dynamic: Calling-in Instead of Calling-out

Call-out culture is ubiquitous in today's society and for good reason. It has been a powerful part of speaking up and being heard in the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. We often see larger cultural movements manifest in smaller ways…

Are You Prostituting Yourself?

I was. Of everything I have ever written, this line certainly looks and feels like click bait. My 13-year-old son would be aghast if he knew I wrote something so risqué to draw a reader in. But behind this sentence crafted to garner your attention…
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Fifteen Years of Learning…and Counting!

It’s almost unfathomable that this small, impactful practice has existed for 15 years. After years of working with others, in 2008, I set out with a fierce independence to create this practice. To say that it - that I - have morphed and grown…

Leader? Manager? How about both.

Working with different teams and industries gives us a bird's eye view as patterns emerge. Lately we've heard from leaders seeking to inspire their managers to be better leaders, and managers looking to be better leaders. It’s easy to reduce…

Achieving Academic Equity: A Case Study of Just Communities

"Dr. King once said that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice. It bends towards justice, but here is the thing: it does not bend on its own. It bends because each of us in our own ways put our hand on that arc and…