
The Truth About Manifestation

Our Truth Anyways

“What you do is minuscule in comparison, with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful, and so much more important.” – Esther Hicks

What is manifestation anyway?

Manifestation is almost becoming a buzz word. At this point, most of us have at least heard of vision statements, visioning boards, personal intentions, or as the 2006 documentary, The Secret coined it, the law of attraction. Is it real or just a new thought theory meant to get us to think positively, be more gracious, or practice gratitude?

Here’s what we do know, as Gandhi so poignantly reminded us:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

But what does this really mean? It means that our thoughts have far more sway over our lives that any one of us wants to admit. It means that our thoughts and emotions and actions are interconnected and that if we focus our thoughts on what we want versus what we don’t want, we are likely to manifest it. Period. It’s that simple.

If we are full of self-limiting beliefs, fear, and ‘Why nots’ then that is exactly what we will manifest: self-limitation, fear, and plenty of evidence on why self-doubts and skepticism are right. When it comes to our thoughts, we are almost always right. Between confirmation bias and our ability to ‘see’ exactly what we want to see, our thoughts are always right…or are they? And do you want to know the kicker? We get to choose. Yes, that’s right, we are the one person who has control over our own thoughts…no one else – not our parents, teachers, bosses, partners or friends – just us. Just us and our thoughts. Just us and our thoughts and our ability to manifest the exact life that we want. Or not.

Here’s a recent-ish, albeit profound example within our practice.

We gather on a regular basis as a team to do what Aileron coins, Professional Management Practices. Our agendas span everything from our own strategy to culture to business development to shared learning and more. The point is that we gather on a regular basis to do exactly what we do with you all. We hold the space to have the meaningful conversations that allow us to be a higher performing, cutting edge – albeit small practice – that packs a punch.  On this particular day, one of our agenda items was Client Development, specifically who were the two to three new companies or organizations we would like to partner with on deep interventions in the coming year. Most of you are probably thinking, ‘yep, sounds pretty standard for a team retreat.’ And it was. And it wasn’t. Because this time, Kristi decided we would beta an exercise she had curated based on the work of Marie Forleo and other marketing gurus, she coined, the Ideal Partner Avatar Exercise. Change the questions, change the conversation. And what started as a focus on clients, eventually snowballed into a clarity of focus on opening a space to host teams. Fast forward 8 months and we were opening the Encounter.  It was a TON of work and lots of fun getting to create our own facilitator’s candy land with a purpose of creating a space for people to re-connect, re-imagine, reckon, and vision forward. We defined the WHAT during the Avatar process that day and the HOW emerged with flow and ease and creativity and openness – and of course grit and a bit of determination. We somersaulted our way into Cincinnati’s newest collaboration space because we got clarity on exactly what it is we wanted and then we put one foot in front of another until we got there. Then we kept on walking and tinkering and welcoming folks into our newly conceived space. And when we looked back on the vision, we had put forward during the session that previous winter, the outcome was uncanny. We were gob smacked. It worked.

How does it work?

We call it the Avatar process. It begins with articulating the questions that are going to tap into our higher consciousness where the possibilities and visions reside and setting the space to truly let the possibilities unfurl themselves. It requires discipline not to edit what comes forward, and then there is the digging deeper into the question under the question, and later the distillation that eventually results in a vision that is a fully articulated WHAT. Then the work begins. It requires putting one foot in front of the other in realizing the vision and embracing emergence and continually learning. It will never unfold exactly how you expect but when you look back in the rearview mirror, you too will be gob smacked. It works if you work it.

Interested in experiencing an Avatar? At an interesting crossroads personally or within your organization? Feeling like you need a little inspiration or to get unstuck? Contact us to learn about our Avatar process and how we might partner with you in manifesting what’s next.

Is it for me?

Sure, it’s for anyone. Anyone who chooses to confront her own freedom and pursue her wildest imagination. It is for anyone who is willing to peel back his own fears and self-limiting beliefs and truly demonstrate who they are and what they are capable of. It is for everyone – just not the faint of heart.

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