In my final months as a college student, I remember being overwhelmed with the vast quantity of professional vocabulary that remained, although relevant and important, daunting and unfamiliar. We, the newly graduated, the naïve bunch who thought the worst was behind us, were summoned to resume workshops and cover letter writing contests. As I perused an assortment of respected examples, I was a taken aback when a notable cover letter excerpt read: “I microwave 60 second rice in less than 60 seconds.” If that’s a note-worthy strength, then be assured, we all have them.

Whether you’re new to the world of being able to articulate your value proposition or a well-seasoned expert, it’s critical in today’s world to recognize and vocalize your strengths. Weaknesses are important too, but when we take time to conceptualize strengths, our ability to leverage them becomes much easier. Strengths, when combined with those of our colleagues and team members, erase our individual weaknesses and create a powerhouse of potential.

Gallup, among many, offers a strengths finder test along with tips and guidance on how to use them effectively, both individually and in a workplace setting. Interpreted from the 2015 Strengths@Work Survey, organizations that have participated in a strengths finder assessment for their employees have found these results:

  • Employees whose supervisors knew their strengths were more likely to feel supported and valued in the workplace.
  • If an organization is committed to building on the strengths of its employees, supervisors will more frequently initiate conversations centered around employee strengths.
  • When employees are encouraged to recognize and vocalize their strengths, they are more likely to feel engaged and successful in their work.

At M E Clarke Consulting, we take great pride in our team’s strengths, setting goals on how we harness and expound upon our strengths. If you have not already, take the strengths finder assessment, encourage your team to do so as well and share the results. What a great way to build an even better team!

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