Personal vulnerability can be very hard to practice. Often, it requires a certain level of discomfort because you have to acknowledge your shortcomings. Let’s face it—admitting our weaknesses isn’t easy. True vulnerability takes it further than that. It forces us to explore the depths of our weaknesses and analyze their etiology. Personal growth isn’t a walk in the park, but the results make it worth the blood, sweat, and tears that guide the path to betterment. No one wants to confront his or her imperfections, but I believe that there is genuine strength in the ability to do so.

Throughout my time here at M E Clarke, Meghan has definitely challenged me to practice vulnerability in so many ways. This is important in the workplace because when we face challenges, our first thought is to blame the issue on someone else. In reality, we typically carry some culpability in all of life’s challenges, whether we are conscious of them or not. Throughout my time here, I’ve learned the importance of challenging myself to understand why an issue affects me so much, and what of my own shortcomings and insecurities could be exacerbating a small issue. Often, this practice has led me to understand that I play a pivotal role in my own life’s challenges. Even when things are out of my hands, addressing my part in the issue allows me to let go and move on.

With all the fear and uncertainty that comes with exploring my inner demons, I have grown to know myself more deeply. I harbor less guilt because I know that I am consistently working on my issues, confronting my fears, and acknowledging my biases. Although I feel that I have come a long way, the practice of vulnerability with the intent of self-betterment is a never-ending process. This is one of the most important things to realize. As much as we learn, as much as we grow, there is always more to do. Sometimes we fall back into our old ways, but that’s normal. One thing about vulnerability is to understand that we are all human, and as much as we try to improve ourselves, we will never be perfect. Vulnerability is accepting the fact that we will always have imperfections, but refusing to be limited by them.

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