When things got serious with COVID – 19 and all of our lives were instantaneously turned upside down, we here at MECC, were just as lost, confused, and uncertain as the rest of the world. We were witnessing everything change, practically overnight and we wanted to ensure that the changes would be manageable for our clients and for ourselves. We spent time learning, listening, and adapting to our new normal. Inspired by Patrick Lencioni, we believe we will either emerge from this time, weaker or stronger, but not the same. We decided that as much as we are pouring our energy outward to support all of you, it is equally important for us to focus our energy inward. By doing our own work, we strengthen our own resilience and ensure that we too emerge stronger.

In the past six months we have reidentified our unique contribution to the world, recreated our website to be more usable for our clients, and recommitted to serving you, our clients, in the best way possible.

Our Unique Contribution: Transform the World/ Bring Healing

We believe that each organization, team and individual have a unique contribution that they bring to the world. As our business and capabilities have changed so has our unique contribution. We strive every day, in everything we do, to Transform the World/ Bring Healing.


At MECC we believe in an open source approach. This means that any resource we use for retreats, team building, or coaching is available to YOU. Our website has been redesigned to help you find what you need easier and faster in order to best serve your organization. Check it out and let us know how we can further enhance this offering.

Serving You – Virtually

We are excited to announce that we are now offering all of our services virtually. While we stand by the power and effectiveness of groups coming together in person, we also believe that now is the perfect time to re-define what it means to be a team and enhance organizational effectiveness. We developed and continuously refine comprehensive and impactful team, leadership, and professional development sessions, delivered powerfully and effectively in a fully virtual setting. Just because we cannot be together physically during this time, does not mean you cannot be together.   For more information on how we are going about this or to schedule a time to chat about the possibilities, click here.

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