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Finding Your Strengths and Sticking to Them

In my final months as a college student, I remember being overwhelmed with the vast quantity of professional vocabulary that remained, although relevant and important, daunting and unfamiliar. We, the newly graduated, the naïve bunch who thought…

A Look Within

Personal vulnerability can be very hard to practice. Often, it requires a certain level of discomfort because you have to acknowledge your shortcomings. Let’s face it—admitting our weaknesses isn’t easy. True vulnerability takes it further…
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Strategic Planning: Faith and the Future

Each new year individuals vow to keep their latest resolution. However, even the seemingly determined fail to follow through and expectations quickly fall short. This resolution phenomena may not result from a lack of determination, rather…
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Servant Leadership

    From Guest Author Jim Brown Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once wrote: “I worry that businessleaders are more interested in material gain than they are in having the patience to build up a strong organization,…
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IT@UC Leadership Academy

We are excited to share another milestone: the launching of IT@UC Leadership Academy on Tuesday September 23rd.  Now in it’s second year, a new round of participants will gain valuable leadership experience together. Thirty-five people…

GCAAE Annual Visioning Retreat

In August, the Greater Cincinnati Alliance for Arts Education (GCAAE or the Alliance) gathered at beautiful Green Acres for a full day planning retreat. We were excited to help these incredibly creative people do great work better! The…
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FISH! A Reflection on Transforming Your Work into Passion

I was recently invited to lead a visioning retreat for the eLearning team at the University of Cincinnati.  In preparation for this session, the team was asked to read the book, “Fish!  A  Proven Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results.”…

Leadership Development: To Lead is to Learn to Follow

At M E Clarke Consulting, we believe that leaders are developed, not trained. We have found in all facets of our work that leaders are craving knowledge to do more for and better support their teams. With UCIT, Meghan co-developed a year long…
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Girl Rising: A Retreat with Our Nation’s Top Young Female Leaders

To say I was honored would be an understatement, I could not say ‘yes’ quick enough when asked to facilitate part of this year’s Ursuline’s Student Leadership Conference.  The opportunity to be in the presence of some of our nation’s…
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IT@UC Leadership Academy Graduation

University of Cincinnati Information Technologies (UCIT) launched the Leadership Academy for the IT community at UC (also known as IT@UC) in September 2013. This annual initiative is rooted in a commitment to develop and train the future…
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Strategic Visioning: Exploring the Possibilities

Does passion drive your sustainability? How do you make sure that your thriving organization will sustain itself in the future? How do we ensure “Greatness” in times of chaos and turmoil? Religious communities are facing declining…
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UCIT: A True Transformation

Last week one of our long-time partners agreed to share how she experiences working with us. Emily Baute is the Public Information Officer at the University of Cincinnati’s Information Technology (UCIT). She has been working closely with…