In this article you will find tips for improving customer and employee satisfaction.

What does employee satisfaction have to do with the customer experience? EVERYTHING. Your customers and employees are a part of an interwoven, intricate system that comprises the customer experience. Think of your employees as the first line of checkers in the game of life. They will be the first people your customers will meet and interact with. This interaction will determine whether your customers keep playing, and whether or not they keep coming back and become a “King”, or loyal customer. Read on my friends…

  1.  Listen
    Listen to what your customers truly want. Give them your full attention. They will tell you exactly what they need.
  1.  Identify and Anticipate Needs
    Customers buy solutions. Open the door of communication with your customers. Make yourself available to them. When you start to understand what they need you will be able to predict what they will need in the future.
    Look for ways in which doing business with you is easier or simpler for your customer. It doesn’t matter how great your business is if your system is confusing or not intuitive for the customer. Less is better and always keep it simple.
  1.  Be Transparent
    Being open and honest is always the best policy. When your employees know why they are doing something and understand their value in the business, they are more likely to innovate and overall communication within your business will improve.
  1.  Align Goals
    Map the goals of your employees and customers and then align them. The point at which these goals overlap is invaluable information and will serve as a roadmap to success.
  1.  Under Promise, Over Deliver
    Ask yourself the following questions: what can you impart to your customers that they are unable to receive anywhere else? In other words, what can you be the BEST at in the world? This will allow your customers to begin to ‘expect the unexpected’ from you.
  1.  Show Your Appreciation
    This is true for both your customers and employees. Show them you care; treat them as an individual. Reward your customers and your employees for doing business with you.
  2.  Empower the Customer
    In order to empower your customer, and employees you have to give them the resources they need to succeed. Become a resource library for your customers. The next time they have a need, they will know your the leader in the field and will turn to you.
  3.  Get Regular Feedback
    First, ask the right questions, second, listen, and third, provide a space and time to allow for constructive feedback.  When needed, provide feedback.  Say it straight, simple and with a smile.
  4. Turn Failure into Success
    Treat every complaint as an opportunity to improve your business. Allow for failure, it is in failing that we succeed in ways that we did not think possible.  Create an environment of continuous learning and incredible innovation will result.

Here at M E Clarke Consulting, we like to practice what we preach. If you have suggestions on how we can improve on any of the above points, feel free to get in touch at or fill out our partner satisfaction survey and we will be sure to get back to you!

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