Tools for Trauma
Capacitar, an international network working in more than 35 countries, specializes in teaching and sharing wellness practices to empower the citizens of the world. Inspired by their work, mission and dedication to wholeness, we are sharing some…

Diversity in the Workplace
Think about the people who push you to be creative, who challenge your thinking, and introduce you to new ideas- are they just like you? No, not usually. One of the best gifts of our work is to be able to partner with and serve a diverse…

Leading by Example: Talking about Race in the Workplace
As race relations in America gain nightly news attention, so has it inspired people to start talking, acting, and marching. The Black Lives Matter initiative is more than just a hashtag, and says less about race and more about inclusion, equality,…

As winter approaches, bringing with it snow and cold days, we are reminded of new possibilities, fresh starts and the all important need for renewal. The holiday season, although overwhelmed with busyness and consumption, can be a time…

A Circle at Work: MAIA Retreat
Over the course of many lifetimes, several cultures have used circles as a vehicle for human connection and spiritual healing. The concept behind circle work is very simple: it fosters sharing the complexities of emotion and vulnerability…

Finding Your Strengths and Sticking to Them
In my final months as a college student, I remember being overwhelmed with the vast quantity of professional vocabulary that remained, although relevant and important, daunting and unfamiliar. We, the newly graduated, the naïve bunch who thought…

Healing Holds
After a long day we often feel the weight of the world pulling us down, both body and mind. It can be hard to recuperate from this heavy feeling of stress and anxiety. However, with self care and rejuvenation you can heal your body, mind and…

Communication ABC’s
Effective Communication
Communication seems like it should be simple, however when not done well, the result is often misunderstanding and conflict. Communication is not just talking, it is an exchange of symbols, all of which are open…

Strategic Planning: Faith and the Future
Each new year individuals vow to keep their latest resolution. However, even the seemingly determined fail to follow through and expectations quickly fall short. This resolution phenomena may not result from a lack of determination, rather…

The Art of Negotiation
When you think of the word negotiation what is the first image that pops into your head? Was it a bank heist, SWAT teams, or did you picture Kevin Spacey as “The Negotiator.” Typically, negotiations take place in a much different setting…

Intuition: Following Your Gut Feeling
The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

The Servant Leader is Inclusive
From Guest Author Jim Brown
Over the course of 30 years assisting organizations and groups as an organizational development consultant I have on occasion heard this from leaders:
“Everybody wants to be in on the decision. The group…