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Healing Holds

After a long day we often feel the weight of the world pulling us down, both body and mind. It can be hard to recuperate from this heavy feeling of stress and anxiety. However, with self care and rejuvenation you can heal your body, mind and…
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Workplace Flexibility

Would you rather have a successful personal life or a successful professional life? You may not have to choose. The workplace is changing, along with employee’s expectations. Discussions on flexibility in the workplace are trending, and for…
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Unexpected Lessons From the Journey

My time here at M E Clarke Consulting is coming to a close as another semester has flown by. As I prepare for my next obstacle on the horizon, the final semester of college, I am taking this moment to remember my time as the Community…
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New Year, New Office: We Share Our Tips for Creating a Fun and Productive Workspace

It’s the New Year, you have new resolutions, new goals to accomplish. You return to work after the holiday season greeted by your same boring desk. Immediately you are reminded of previous deadlines, stress from many years past. You’re creativity…
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Tai Chi

Many aspects of life can affect a person’s wellbeing. It can be affected by personal incidents such as trauma or violence or something as seemingly benign as the weather. It is important to upkeep personal wellbeing.  The practice of Tai…
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Spotlight on Conflict Resolution

Conflict is an inevitable part of our daily lives. There can be conflict in the workplace, at home, with a stranger, even more common, internal conflict. It is important to learn how to positively interact with conflict. The Association…
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Staying Healthy as Winter Approaches

With thermostats dropping and daylight waning, there is no denying that fall is here, quickly being followed by winter. It is important to stay healthy during these colder months so we have some tips and reminders for staying well.   A…
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Change Agent: Thich Nhat Hanh

“If we work for peace out of anger, then we will never succeed. Peace is not an end. It can never come about through non-peaceful means.” –Thich Nhat Hanh, Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change Thich Nhat Hanh…


  We’ve all heard the old adage, “Bad things happen to good people.”  Each of us possesses an amazing capacity to turn these inevitable life experiences into hope or hopelessness.  We get to choose. What is the difference…
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Journey to Our Safe and Sacred Space

In April, Stress Awareness Month, we shared with you a simple practice to identify and relax those areas where you carry stress and tension in your body. Did you have the opportunity to try it out? Were you able to find 5 or 50 minutes…

Joyfully Awaiting Spring

As we all anxiously await the spring, that March promised us, it is easy to become saddened when we wake to yet another chilly, gray day. Even worse, is when a co-worker or passerby tells you more snow is on the way. It’s the end of March!…
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Step into Our Office…

“Welcome! Please remove your shoes…Would you like some slippers?” This is likely, what you will hear as you enter through our door at M E Clarke Consulting, LLC. More on the “no shoes” part later! We would like to virtually invite…