People's hands overlapping

How to be an Ally: Simple Ways to get Started

We have hosted several dialogues on the topic of belonging, equity and inclusion in the workplace over recent months. During these sessions, we are often asked about ways to become a better Ally, especially for those who are not managers or…
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All are Invited

If you’re like me you’ve seen the signs pop up around town in people’s yards or in store fronts: At MECC we believe these things, and we want to go further than just believing, we want to embody these beliefs. We want to go beyond believing…
I, too, am racist
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I, too, am Racist

I, too, am Racist Meghan Elizabeth Clarke 41. White. Cisgender. Heterosexual. Not Exempt. “Do I fit the description? Many of you who know me personally would say I don’t— I’m exempt from the racism, prejudice, and bigotry directed…
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Not Exempt.

Kamaria Wilson. 26-years-old. Black. Female. Do I fit the description?             Many of you who know me personally would say I don’t— I’m exempt from the racism, prejudice,…
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Diversity in the Workplace

Think about the people who push you to be creative, who challenge your thinking, and introduce you to new ideas- are they just like you? No, not usually. One of the best gifts of our work is to be able to partner with and serve a diverse…
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Leading by Example: Talking about Race in the Workplace

As race relations in America gain nightly news attention, so has it inspired people to start talking, acting, and marching. The Black Lives Matter initiative is more than just a hashtag, and says less about race and more about inclusion, equality,…
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Micro-aggressions: Cause and Effect

As a part of our work in and commitment to diversity and inclusion, MECC offers various trainings from D&I Introduction workshops to bias trainings. These sessions offer opportunities to discuss how to create a workplace (and world) that…
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A Portrait of a Peacemaker: Mev Puleo

During my time as a volunteer English teacher in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, I hosted an overabundance of emotions. There were days when my purpose seemed so absolute, so certain. My internal desire to be present to the people and community…
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A Circle at Work: MAIA Retreat

Over the course of many lifetimes, several cultures have used circles as a vehicle for human connection and spiritual healing. The concept behind circle work is very simple: it fosters sharing the complexities of emotion and vulnerability…
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Finding Your Strengths and Sticking to Them

In my final months as a college student, I remember being overwhelmed with the vast quantity of professional vocabulary that remained, although relevant and important, daunting and unfamiliar. We, the newly graduated, the naïve bunch who thought…
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Acknowledging Our Biases

All of us are biased. In fact, says Rachael Frame, occupational psychologist at Work Group, “you’re not a human being if you’re not naturally biased in some way.” Most of us do not recognize our biases and therefore make judgments based…
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The Servant Leader is Inclusive

From Guest Author Jim Brown Over the course of 30 years assisting organizations and groups as an organizational development consultant I have on occasion heard this from leaders: “Everybody wants to be in on the decision. The group…