
Shift the Dynamic: Calling-in Instead of Calling-out

Call-out culture is ubiquitous in today’s society and for good reason. It has been a powerful part of speaking up and being heard in the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. We often see larger cultural movements manifest in smaller ways in our team or work cultures. This month we offer a subtle reframing of the idea of “calling out” to “calling in.”

The shift is simple…instead of calling-out your colleagues, call them “in” with a clear reminder of decorum and how we behave. We all need to be reminded of who we are at times. A calling in, can illuminate often unconscious slights and inappropriate behavior. This raising of consciousness can allow missteps to be corrected more easily. We often have a tendency to ignore these behaviors until it begins to adversely effect relationships and eventually the culture. Or alternatively, though less common, is to call out bad behavior publicly in ways that lead to shame, blame and isolation. This results in the opposite of what we know is foundational to high performing teams: connection, shared purpose and mutual accountability.

Note: The ability to call in, requires that we do so from a clear place within ourselves that is calling forward the best in each other. It is ensuring internal alignment with the type of working relationships and experiences we desire to create, and then calling others “in” to that same space. It’s knowing who we are to each other and ensuring that we act in accordance with these agreed upon norms.

Someone acting in a way that is incongruent with organizational values or agreed-upon team norms? Call them in with a reminder of the values and who we are to each other. Have you gone off-topic in a meeting? A gentle reminder to bring folks back to the purpose can go a long way to keeping the meeting and each other on tract. Is it risky? Sure, we never know how the other person is going to react. Worth it? Every time. Be brave and choose to lean into the momentary discomfort of calling-in. As mentioned, we all need to be reminded, and maybe next time it will be your turn, and someone will call you in.

If you find yourself at a loss because you lack agreed-upon team norms or tend to arrive at meetings with different purposes, agendas, and expectations? We can help with that.

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