The RIGHT Kind of Hard

A reflection on choosing.


Staying stuck was the wrong kind of hard. Confronting my freedom is the right kind of hard.

Compromising my integrity and playing small was the wrong kind of hard. Being FULLY me…the vulnerable, tender, loving me out in the world is the right kind of hard.

Willingly hiding parts of myself to fit in was the wrong kind of hard. Being fully divine, fully human and embracing my feminine wisdom is the right kind of hard.

For me…

A fully integrated self is the right kind of hard.

Empathy and compassion are the right kind of hard.

Speaking the truth when few will is the right kind of hard.

Holding the tension within conflict long enough to allow for transformation is the right kind of hard.

Learning again and again and again is the right kind of hard.

Needing to be reminded and willingly reminding another who they truly are is the right kind of hard.


Being human is ALL hard, I choose to embrace it, scraped knees and all.

What’s your right kind of hard? Please comment and tell me.

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