Leadership Development

Leadership Tips:

Leaders will either emerge out of this time stronger or weaker but not the same. In order to come out stronger leaders must lean into the unknowns and the discomfort that is emerging as our new normal.

Leaders need to be exceedingly human. Be present and check in more. Don’t be afraid of reaching out because your team is at home, the small touch points matter more now. Be creative and try things that may see silly. We are in unprecedented times which means we are in need of unprecedented solutions.

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Leadership Resources

Servant Leadership Presentation

Servant leadership is the idea that in order to be the best leader you must serve your team not have them serve you. Introduce servant leadership to your team using this presentation.

Parable on Listening

We often listen only to respond. This parable remind leaders to first listen to understand. 

Whom Do I Serve Worksheet

On this worksheet, explore who you serve as a leader, the challenges you have to serving them, and what you can do to serve them better.

The Core Four Principles of Leadership

Leaders that have the most impact in the world have a sense of calling, they develop a trustworthy character, are equipped with the right competencies, and focus on compounding their efforts. If any Leader simply worked on these four areas, eventually they would see their influence multiply.


Servant Leadership, Jim Brown

“The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead.”

The Servant Leader is Inclusive, Jim Brown

“So how does the person who is responsible for the “final decision” practice inclusivity in the process? And how can the people in the trenches act as “servant followers” knowing in the end that they cannot be at the table when the final decision is made?”