We use the term strategic partnership to define our relationship with clients. It embodies our long-term commitment to the success of the individuals and organizations with whom we partner. Our passion is to Transform the World, Bring Healing and we do this in partnership with you, enabling mission driven organizations to do great work better. With a focus on culture and strategy, we co-create people centered processes that harness the creativity, talent and passion within an organization.

Team Development

Improving team work through identification and removal of obstacles, building trust and fundamental behaviors, using a combination of organizational development and a heart-centered approach for transformative change.

Leadership Development

Leadership support services offering coaching, executive team development, and leadership 360 assessments to provide a safe space for leaders, help them thrive, create team cohesion, and assess leadership strengths and challenges.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning using a holistic approach combining organizational culture and strategy, with a focus on data and people, resulting in a comprehensive playbook for change management.


Coaching services to rediscover one’s best self and overcome self-limiting beliefs, offering clarity, guidance through change, and leadership growth. Available in one-on-one sessions, virtual or face-to-face, and group coaching with personalized content and book recommendations.


Workplace assessments including DiSC Suite, Five Behaviors, Leadership 360, and Working Genius to understand individual and team strengths, improve communication, and enhance leadership and team development.

Feminine Wisdom Circles

Step into a virtual feminine wisdom circle for a deeper connection with others who are on a similar journey, seeking more in life. The circle is based on ancient and indigenous practices and is a place of witnessing individual and collective experiences, reflection, introspection, and peeling back limiting beliefs. Virtual circles are held on Zoom and based on season, interest, and timing.